Do you support Petaluma’s new gun safety regulations requiring firearms to be stored safely when not in use? :
■ Do you predict that 2023 will be better, worse or pretty much the same as 2022? To participate in this week’s online poll, go to and find it on the homepage.
■ To see results of previous online polls and read comments, visit or read the Opinion page of Argus-Courier, where comments are shared. Pulse of Petaluma poll results reflect sentiments of persons participating in the online poll the previous week, and are not intended as a statistically valid representation of public sentiment on any given issue.
Responders to last week’s poll were almost evenly divided between those who oppose the Petaluma City Council’s new ordinance requiring firearms to be safely stored when not in use, and those who support it, with those against slightly outnumbering those for the new measures.
■ “Absolutely! This is a simple way to save lives.”
■ “I am a life long user of firearms. A hunter, competitive sports shooter, and some years in law enforcement. I understand the desire to be able to access a defense gun when needed. The current state of the art in gun storage allows quick access to only the owner. I support requiring firearms to be locked up when not in personal possession and control. However, it should be required by the state not every city differently. How would you like to comply if every city had its own motor vehicle code? The devil is in the details.”
■ “No. Petaluma City Council's reach does not extend into my home.”
■ “No time to retrieve if needed. No way to bear arms if you can't access it in time. Terrible time to enact something like this when senseless violent crime and stealing is rampant. Can't enforce or prove it anyway.”
■ “What good are they locked up when someone is breaking into your house? Seconds matter and could be the difference between life and death. Common sense needs to prevail when children are involved, but should not be mandatory.”
■ “Who is going to enforce this? The dust bunnies under the bed?”
■ “With over 600 mass shootings in 2022 in the US, this is the least our city could do.”
■ “Yes, guns should be safely stored IF you have children in the house at any time but if your home is an adult home then NO. Just put them away they do not need to be locked away in your own home.”
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