Public libraries are full of so many helpful resources you can use in your day to day life. Not only can you find books to inspire, entertain or educate you. You can check your email at one of their computers, or even put your feet up and relax in a safe space.
But the Grand Rapids Public Library isn't just full of items you can borrow to take home, they've also managed to add a new blue locker that can help teenagers in need throughout West Michigan.
If you find yourself inside the Grand Rapids Public Library's teen section, you may notice a little blue locker.
That little blue locker holds a lot of hope for teenagers in need in Grand Rapids. The locker offers a variety of hygiene products including menstrual supplies, hair ties, deodorant, dental care products, and socks. Because, no teen should have to worry about getting basic essentials, which is usually out of their control.
Also inside the locker, they have included a list of resources for anything that teens may need that can't be provided via the locker. That includes phone numbers to different mental health resources, as well as agencies that they can connect with to get what they may need.
The library has supplied the products for the hygiene locker for about two months and has just started to accept donations. Since the blue locker's installation, nearly 250 products have been used by area teenagers.
If you'd like to donate, you can reach out to the library so that they can continue to provide this incredibly comforting service to teens in West Michigan.