08 February 2023- The Waynesboro Police Department currently has a limited number of medication lock boxes available for distribution to our community members. Lock boxes are available, free of charge, on request. Distribution of these boxes will be limited to one box per household. We will provide boxes until our supply is exhausted. Please contact Caitlyn Hartman at 717-762-2132 during regular business hours if you are interested in obtaining a medication lock box. The medication lock box lets you store all of your prescription and over the counter medications in one secure place and assists in protecting your family from accidental poisoning or medicine misuse.
For parents with babies and small children, a medicine lock box is a vital part of childproofing your home. Accidental medicine poisonings are one of the leading causes of death and hospitalization in young children.
-Curious toddlers and babies may be tempted to put pills in their mouths.
-Other young children may think they’re candy.
-Older children and teens may accidentally give themselves the wrong dose of a medicine.
If you have older children in the home, locking up your meds can protect them from an entirely different type of risk: prescription drug abuse. Ease of access is the #1 reason that young adults and teens misuse and abuse prescription drugs.
Medicine boxes are a highly recommended tool for deterring addiction. By helping to prevent teens and pre-teens from having easy access to these highly addictive drugs, a lock box assists in discouraging experimentation that can lead to addiction.
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: https://franklin.crimewatchpa.com/waynesboropd/60062/post/medication-lock-box-available-while-supplies-last