On February 8, police were informed that a felony fugitive was hiding at his home. After attempting to contact the suspect several times, Lorain County SWAT cleared the home but the suspect was not located. After several hours, police learned the suspect was hiding in a locked gun safe in the home. Police opened the safe and took the fugitive into custody. He was taken to the hospital for examination and transferred to the Lorain County Jail. He was charged with obstructing justice and official police business, having weapons under disability and inducing panic.
A resident reported someone was distributing anti-Semitic pamphlets in the neighborhood on February 12. A 17-year-old suspect was identified, and the pamphlets were confiscated.
Officers responded to a home for an unwanted person on the premises on February 11. The resident had a court order stating the woman was banned from the residence. She refused to leave and continued to scream despite being told to stop. The woman was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct-persisting and transported to the hospital after threatening to harm herself.
On February 13, an officer attempted to stop a driver for a traffic violation, but the driver fled, finally stopping at the west end of the city. He was arrested and charged with failure to comply, resisting arrest, reckless operation and driving under suspension. He was taken to Lorain County Jail.
On February 11, officers conducted an underage alcohol purchase at local businesses. Employees at BP and Mobile gas stations, Smokers Outlet, and Aldi were cited for selling alcohol to the minor.
On February 7, police responded to a car crash. The driver was arrested and charged with drunk driving, failure to stop after an accident and reasonable control.
On February 3, police responded to a hit-skip accident. The driver was located at Victoria and Chestnut Ridge Road and arrested on charges of operating under the influence, failure to control, failure to stop after an accident and endangering children.
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