The Daedalian keys are the peculiar collectibles you need to find in Hogwarts Legacy to unlock the House Cabinets. Altogether, you need to find and unlock all 16 to open your House Chest to complete the Daedalian Keys side quest. Here are all of the Daedalian key locations in Hogwarts Legacy.
Disclaimer: While the creator of the Harry Potter franchise was not directly involved in the creation of Hogwarts Legacy, their comments on social media around transgender people are hurtful and dangerous given the size of their platform.
We’d implore you to read our explainer of the controversy so far, and consider supporting trans rights charities where possible.
The first Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Key location can be found when starting the Daedalian Keys mission given to you by Nellie Oggspire. The Daedalian Key is spotted near the top of the Astronomy Tower, up the stairs. The key can then be found with the House Cabinet in the classroom downstairs.
Fast travel to Potions Classroom, walk through the double doors and left down the spiral staircase. Since you'll have spotted the key along the way, it can be spotted with the House Cabinet at the end of the hallway.
Fast travel to Central Hall in the Library Annex. Go down the stairs and head left towards the large double door. The key and the House Cabinet can be spotted opposite the Arithmancy Puzzle Door on the right of the large double doors.
Fast travel to Central Hall in the Libray Annex. Walk up the stairs, do so again, and you'll be atop the stairs in front of a large door. Cast Revelio, and you'll spot the key on your right below another staircase.
Follow the key down the stairs opposite the big door, and the House Cabinet will be on your right.
For the fifth Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Key location, you need to fast travel to Defence Against the Dark Arts tower. Take the stairs in front of you, take three rights, and the key will be seen in front of the Rhinoceros Skeleton. Walk up the stairs the skeleton is facing, take two lefts, and the House Cabinet will be straight ahead.
Fast Travel to the Library Floo Flame in The Library Annex. The key will be found near the shelves of books in front of the square-patterned rug nearby in front of you.
Afterwards, the key's House Cabinet can be found to the right of the Library Floo Flame.
Fast Travel to The Map Chamber Floo Flame. Turn around and go up the spiral staircase. Walk straight ahead, up the other spiral staircase, and go through the metal gate.
You'll find the key in the dungeons near where you entered. You'll find the House Cabinet after taking a right at the bottom of the stairs, past the locked cell door, and to the left of a second cell door.
Fast travel to the Great Hall. The key is near the fireplace on your left.
If you're facing the Great Hall doors and Floo Flame, the House Cabinet can be found up the stairs on the left.
Fast travel to the Clock Tower Courtyard in the South Wing. Approach the locked door on the left and cast Alohomora.
Climb the stairs to the top and the key can be seen on the left side of the room. After the key disappears, turn around and take up the other sets of stairs to right.
Once at the top, the House Cabinet will be to your left.
Fast travel to the Grand Staircase. Go to the right and take the staircase down. Stop when you spot the Arithmancy Puzzle Door. You'll have spotted the key on the way.
The House Cabinet can be found on the left of the Puzzle Door, in front of the House Point Hourglasses.
Fast Travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame within The South Wing. Walk straight ahead, turn right, and go through the single door past Gladwin Moon.
The key can be found up the stairs on the second floor. Then, walk back down to the House Cabinet on the ground floor where the key will now be.
Fast travel to the Great Hall and go through the double doors on the right side. Then, follow the outside steps to the right, take another right, and the key can be seen just before some stairs.
Follow it down the stairs to the bottom, take a left past two bunches of white flowers, go straight, and a quick right in front of a single door, and the House Cabinet will be right there.
Fast travel to the Great Hall, turn around and walk through three sets of double doors to the Entrance Hall. The Daedalian Key location will be nearby.
Then, the House Cabinet is found to the right of the Entrance Hall doors in the corner, in front of the paintings shown above.
Fast Travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame within The South Wing. Walk straight ahead, turn right, and go through the single door past Gladwin Moon.
Walk up three flights of stairs, then another set of stairs to your right until you see a brown tree-man statue. Go up the spiral staircase, then make a left towards the clock room - the end of which you'll spot the key.
Follow the key as it flies back to the House Cabinet next to the Boris the Bewildered statue near the top of the spiral staircase.
Fast Travel to the Bell Tower Wing's Bell Tower Courtyard. Go up the stairs to your left and straight ahead to come across the key. Then, turn around and take the right stairs and go all the way up. The House Cabinet will be near the top to the left.
For the final Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Key location, you'll need to fast travel to the Bell Tower Courtyard in the Bell Tower Wing. Go left up the stairs, then through the single door into the North Hall. Quickly take a left and down the stairs, then a right through a single door to the Dungeons.
Down the stairs, right, left at the bottom of the stairs, and straight ahead, then the key will be found by the dragon statue.
Follow the key back up the stairs, and the key cabinet will be found straight ahead.
After you put all the Daedalian Key House Tokens you recieve into your common room's House Chest, you'll recieve the Relic House Uniform. Return and talk to Nellie Oggspire, the original quest giver, and you'll recieve 180XP with the Daedalian Keys quest now being complete.
That's all you need to know from our Daedalion Key locations in Hogwarts Legacy guide. For more essentials on the game, find out the exact size of the Hogwarts Legacy map. Alternatively, check out if the game can run on Steam Deck.
For even more Hogwarts Legacy guides, you can be sure to find them right here at GGRecon.
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