The alarm was raised by a farmer who also noticed a suspicious car: it was the one used by the thieves two days earlier for the night hitThe safe of the Bcc Centropadana branch in Cornegliano Laudense was found after two days.And with it, the Peugeot 3008 used by the criminals to escape in the night between Wednesday and Thursday was also recovered.The stolen cash in-cash out and the vehicle abandoned by the thieves who broke into the nearby Muzza bank were discovered in the late afternoon of today in Massalengo.After the first hit in Crespiatica, in a branch of the Bcc Lodi, the criminals had in fact entered the credit institution in via Roma.Here too it was the safe that disappeared, but never found like the Peugeot 3008. In the afternoon, however, the discovery was made a short distance from one another.At the entrance to the town, the Peugeot was noticed parked among other cars.Mayor Severino Serafini personally asked for the intervention of the carabinieri.Instead, the safe was in a ditch parallel to the provincial road 187 that connects Muzza to Massalengo.The owner of the Paderno farm found her.The recovery operations have been underway since around 7pm, with the military of the Arma who have started checks and investigations to look for traces and useful clues.© COPYRIGHT - Editoriale Laudense srl - (p.iva 04903190157) - Even partial reproduction is prohibited