This is what deepfakes were made for: Obama and Biden giving shit to Trump for having too many stacks of diamonds on a brand-new Minecraft server.
Obama Donald, I found your secret chest How did you get 12 stacks of diamonds?
Trump Hey, why are you looking through my shit? I grinded hard to get all those diamonds.
Biden Don't you dare fucking lie. You've been X raying.
Trump No, I got a Fortune pickaxe and mined them all.
Obama Uh, homie we started the server yesterday. There's no way you got 12 stacks of diamonds in less than 24 hours.
Biden Yeah, because he's a fucking cheater.
Trump No, I was up all night mining that shit while you fucking slept, Sleepy Joe.
Obama Um, you're gonna have to show me your texture pack folder, Donald.
Trump Okay, just give me a minute.
Biden He's fucking deleting it. Share your fucking screen right now.
Trump Just give me five fucking seconds.
Biden Obama kick him out the server.
Obama Yeah, Donald. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to kick you and drone strike— I mean, destroy your house in case there's any more hidden stashes.
Trump Don't you fucking dare listen to sSeepy Joe. I've been framed. It's fake news.
Biden Get the fuck out of here, Donald.
Obama found Dons secret stash of diamonds that he used X ray with
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