There are hundreds of points of interest on the world map around Hogwarts, and many of them are limited to caves with various puzzles blocking access to a chest.Learn about the different solutions for each event in this guide.If you're the type that wants to clear absolutely every point of interest on the map in your open-world games, you might suffer with Hogwarts Legacy.There are really a lot of them, and they are not always very interesting.Among the most numerous are the Trials of Merlin, who clearly did not have to study much at Hogwarts, to have time to install all this, and the Treasure Chests.The principle is quite similar to the tests, since they use a dozen models of puzzles, which are recycled with some variations.Rather than giving you the solution to each enigma individually, we will rather explain to you how each of them works, so that you can solve them on your own.It's simpler and more efficient than listing 100 different solutions, while each point of interest has the same name.This is probably the trickiest riddle.After using Revelio, the trick is that you sometimes have to use the Transformation spell on the object made available, in order to transform it into a real chess piece.All that remains is to move it, with Wingardium Leviosa, to a space that allows it to take the opposing king.See the dedicated guide below for a detailed explanation.Hogwarts alumni like to leave puzzles to posterity.A multitude of caves contain puzzles with chess pieces, which ask you to find the solution.Here is a written guide and a video with the method to follow to solve all of them easily.This is definitely the most common riddle of the lot.A circular plaque sits in front of a closed door.Use Revelio to locate the object to be placed on it.It can sometimes be quite far away, which will require you to explore the area a bit.Having the talent to increase Revelio's range helps a lot.You then have to transport the object to the plate, which is much easier with Wingardium Leviosa, but still possible with Leviosa and Accio only.Finally, you have to cast the right spell on the cube.The solution is easy, since there is the icon of the spell to be cast, both on the plate and the cube.Most often it is Incendio, Leviosa or Glacius.There is a rarer variant, inside the cave, which requires passing the cube between stones and obstacles, in order to place it on an otherwise inaccessible plate.Its activation is then based on another element, such as a nearby brazier.Wingardium Leviosa is then obligatory.The principle is the same as for Eye Chests and doors of the same type, encountered in certain dungeons in history.If you explore the map before you get far enough, you may have missed the information.Just use the Disillusionment Spell to make yourself invisible.Then open the door.Very simple when you have the right reflex, this riddle asks you to pull the right handles with Accio, in order to open the door.If you pull one of the wrong handles, the puzzle is reset.How to differentiate them?By using Revelio, of course!Pull handles are displayed in blue.These puzzles are painful, but not for the same reasons as usual.You have to place the missing cube with the others using Wingardium Leviosa, but the symbol on it must be oriented correctly, in the same direction as the others.This can be complicated, since the cube tends to reorient itself in the air, and not necessarily in the right direction.It is therefore necessary to use obstacles in order to make it rotate.The Flipendo spell can also help.Here's another riddle whose solution should be fairly obvious to you, if you've completed the first Guardian Trials.The stone arch in the center is a passage to a slightly altered version of the world, in which objects have appeared, or disappeared.Go through the arch only once, since one way or the other, it will give you access to the chest.If you pass under the arch a second time, it will make the changes disappear.The principle of this puzzle is quite simple to grasp intuitively, but there are some subtleties to take into account.You obviously have to use a force spell like Repulso to make it spin, aiming for the fins.But you don't have to do it just once, use Repulso in a loop to spin it for a while, until it gets stuck.So, use Arresto Momentum to immobilize it permanently.There are usually several similar objects to rotate in the area in order to open the door.Where are all the Demiguise moons in Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the open world?After spending the night, here is the exact location of these statues that the Moon janitor fears more than anything in order to unlock the upper levels of the Alohomora spell and open the locks.A fan of many types of games, I especially like it when you have to hurt your brain and refine your gameplay.From WoW raids, I went to CRPGs, then tacticals to 4X, but also FromSoftware games.