News from Meijel municipality of Peel en MaasKey safes are currently used to allow the fire service to access buildings quickly.A key safe is a safe with a key that grants access to a building.This key safe is located on the outside of a building and can be opened with a master key.Due to national developments and the disadvantages of this key safe system, the Limburg North Fire Brigade has decided to remove the master keys from the fire engines as of 1-1-2026 and to stop using key safes and pipes for access to buildings.That is why building owners and users with direct reporting to the Regional Alarm Center in North Limburg must opt for a new entry system.The fire service increasingly works at a regional level.For example, the fire brigade goes beyond the municipal border, if the address is closer there.As a result, the fire service has to deal with different keys in its own region.This slows down the work of the fire brigade, because not all fire fighting vehicles have all the keys.This is one of the reasons why the Limburg-Noord Fire Brigade will no longer use the key safes from 1 January 2026.Reporting to Regional Alarm Center Buildings with persons who are unable or less self-reliant must have a report to the Regional Alarm Center.In these buildings it is especially important that the fire service can enter quickly and safely.It is mandatory for building owners and users of these buildings to automatically open or unlock the fire service entrance in the event of a fire alarm using a system that has been determined in consultation with the fire service.Building owners and users without mandatory reporting to the Regional Alarm Center can also take measures so that the fire brigade can enter their building quickly, safely and without causing damage in the event of a fire alarm.Buildings without mandatory reporting must indicate the method of entry in the event of a fire alarm.New access system The Limburg-Noord fire service asks building owners and users to choose a new access system.Building owners and users will receive an information letter about this in December with more information and options.Category: News Read more about: 112, fire brigade, News from MeijelSpelling errors, language errors or substantive feedback?Report it to us via redactie@meijel24.nlThe email address will not be published.Required fields are marked with *Please email me if there are any follow up comments.Do you have great news, big or small?Mail this to the Meijel24 team.Municipality News Peel en MaasCopyright © 2018–2023 Nederweert24 Meijel24 powered by Xperal & Astra Solar