Sarah Bence, OTR/L, is an occupational therapist and freelance writer.
Epilepsy is a seizure disorder that can make it challenging to complete everyday activities. Occupational therapy is a rehabilitation profession that helps people engage in daily activities that are meaningful to them, despite their disabilities.
In this article, learn more about occupational therapy for epilepsy.
An occupational therapist helps people overcome challenges to engage in their desired occupations (activities). This might involve adjusting the activity, altering the environment, adding assistive devices, or changing personal factors like strength, flexibility, ergonomics, and fine motor skills.
Occupational therapy and physical therapy focus on different aspects of rehabilitation but often collaborate to achieve a larger goal.
Occupational therapists focus on improving a person's ability to engage in meaningful activities, whereas physical therapists focus on improving their ability to move their body.
A child with epilepsy sustains an injury from a seizure and is referred to both physical and occupational therapy. This is what each treatment might entail:
The role of occupational therapy for someone with epilepsy is to help them engage more fully in daily life and occupations, despite their condition.
Having epilepsy comes with many challenges that can impact your day-to-day life and make you feel limited in what you can do.
Some of the challenges of living with epilepsy that occupational therapists can help with include:
People with epilepsy can have problems with cognition, including skills such as memory, concentration, attention, executive function, and more. Various factors, including side effects from antiepileptic medications and the frequency, duration, and intensity of seizures, can contribute to this.
Epilepsy seizures and the fear of having one can lead a person with epilepsy to withdraw from meaningful activities, limit their socializing, isolate themselves, and more.
Some of the ways people with epilepsy can benefit from OT include:
Many children with epilepsy see an occupational therapist as part of their larger healthcare team. This could be at home, at a therapy clinic, or even at school.
Occupational therapists may help with sensory integration, social skills, fine motor skills, altering the home or school environment, and educating family and school staff about epilepsy and adjustments that can be made to keep the child safe and engaged.
Some people with epilepsy will undergo surgery to help treat symptoms and improve seizure control. Occupational therapy may be prescribed before or after surgery for various reasons.
An occupational therapist could help you set up your home and support system to prepare for post-surgery recovery. They may also recommend certain assistive devices or strategies for performing activities of daily living (ADL) as you recover.
Sometimes, occupational therapy is recommended for cognitive side effects of epilepsy and surgery, or to track the progress of symptoms.
One study by occupational therapists found that driving performance improved after epilepsy surgery; driving is a large area of occupational therapy practice, and you may see an occupational therapist if you struggle with this skill.
Many people with epilepsy desire to live independently but are held back by valid concerns about their seizures and fear of triggers. Depending on seizure frequency, severity, and duration, they may or may not be able to live alone.
However, many people with epilepsy can live independently, with certain steps in place to keep them safe.
Tips for living independently with epilepsy include the following:
If you or your child have epilepsy, you may want to talk to your healthcare provider about seeing an occupational therapist. Whether you struggle with anxiety, social withdrawal, managing seizures, or advocating for yourself at school or work, occupational therapy could help.
Epilepsy is a seizure disorder that has the potential to significantly limit a person's independence. Occupational therapy may be prescribed to help you maximize your engagement in activities you need or want to do while taking your epilepsy into account.
Yes, someone with epilepsy can live on their own. However, factors like seizure severity and frequency, medication side effects, and environment will help determine whether it's a possibility.
Occupational therapists focus on improving a person's ability to engage in activities, whereas physical therapists focus on improving their ability to move their body.
Recovery after epilepsy surgery can take anywhere from a few weeks to multiple months.
American Occupational Therapy Association. About occupational therapy.
University of Southern California CHAN Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. Lifestyle redesign for epilepsy.
Novak A, Vizjak K, Rakusa M. Cognitive impairment in people with epilepsy. J Clin Med. 2022;11(1):267. doi:10.3390/jcm11010267
Crizzle AM, Classen S, LaFranca C, et al. Assessing the driving performance of a person with epilepsy presurgery and postsurgery. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2013;67(3):e24-e29. doi:10.5014/ajot.2013.006569
Epilepsy Foundation. Safety at home.
Epilepsy Foundation. Lifestyle and independent living.
Epilepsy Foundation. Recovering after epilepsy surgery.
By Sarah Bence Sarah Bence, OTR/L, is an occupational therapist and freelance writer. She specializes in a variety of health topics including mental health, dementia, celiac disease, and endometriosis.
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